Saturday, February 16, 2008


I figured it was time for a location update. Although at this point, I don't take anything for granted till I have the plane ticket in my in-box, I'm pretty sure I'll be in Greece for the summer. I'll be in DC until late April or early May (and can see the famous cherry blossoms, hurray!) and then will be on the road again.
I imagine blogging will pick up again then. It's harder for me to do in DC without falling into the trap of blogging about the primary. I'm certifiably obsessed with the primary, but really can only act as an internet echo machine (which I do anyway), so I probably won't post more than once or twice a week until I have a lot of slice-of-lifey things to write about again.

When the NATO project was first discussed, I wasn't thrilled by it because my academic interests have more traditionally been tied to the developing world. The more I think about it, the more excited I get, though. I was reading an interesting article in The Economist at the gym about how, in the event that Kosovo declares independence from Serbia, this may have some bearing on other "frozen conflicts" within Europe, particularly the Georgia-Ossetia conflict because it will change the precedent. (Nationalism is a contagious, contagious business, apparently.) I don't know very much about this, but plan on reading more this weekend, because Serbia forecasts Kosovo will declare independence in the next twenty-four hours.

My mother pointed out that being in Greece makes my blog title extra appropriate. I originally came up with it just because the argonauts traveled (I think the VT part is self explanatory). Then, boredom in the UAE drove me to wikipedia the argonauts, and I discovered the golden fleece is sometimes seen as an allegory for truth. I love being accidentally profound.

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