Thursday, January 3, 2008

Searches Invovling Gloogloo

Our host in Greece, Theo, used to refer to google as "gloogloo." As in, "Bree, gloogloo the capital of Azerbaijan for me."

I try not to rave too much about google analytics, because it's a vain hobby and I can also see how it could seem a little creepy. However, my very favorite feature is the one that allows you to see through which google searches people are directed to your blog.

I'm proud to be on the google list for some, like "nama gomi" and "the weepies happiness blogspot" and "pretty pink cheeks."

I figure I'm a disappointment to internet users who search for "knee sock fashion," "america's next top model," and "indian food eating with hands" (although I'll do that anytime, if anyone else is in the mood). I can't really answer questions like "why are my cheeks pink" although I wonder the same thing (but apparently it's pretty) and really really hope not be used as a definitive source on "latin american politics," "brady kiesling," "abortion," "laicism in france" or "kenyan situation" and "mombasa, kenya."

The searchers who looked typed in "jeans cheeks," "naked onsen" and "onsen naked" must be disappointed I'm not more of a photo essayist. Sorry.

I'm glad whoever searched for "adventure of cell phone" decided to keep reading, even though I try to keep my adventures and my cell phone isolated from one another as I never buy phone insurance plans.

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