Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ramadan Mubarak!

Today is the third day of Ramadan and during the day, the streets are pretty empty and all restaurants and shops are closed down. The other day, Rachel and I ate lunch in a near-by hotel, the only places that serve food during the day, and the dining area was curtained off and the hotel had incense burning outside so that other people didn't smell the food and feel tempted to break their fast. I felt bad for the waitstaff. I think I should try keeping the fast once while I'm here for the sake of empathy.

A little after six, at dusk, there's the final prayer call and people can break the fast with a celebratory meal called iftar. You can feel the anticipation as this time draws nearer. All the shops and restaurants suddenly open and there are long lines everywhere. It's a huge street (or mall) festival.

I've been holed up in the hotel doing some work all day but will go out and explore tonight. I have a lot of other impressions to write about, and some big changes to discuss, so hopefully I'll post again later.

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